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18 Products


Gene: Isl1
Antigen: Islet-1 specific homeobox
Antibody Registry ID: AB_1157901


Gene: Isl1 & Isl2
Antigen: Islet-1 & Islet-2 homeobox
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2314683

3B11 anti-grasshopper Fas I

Gene: Fas1
Antigen: fasciclin I (grasshopper)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528314

3C10 anti-even skipped

Gene: Eve
Antigen: Even-skipped protein (Drosophila)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528229


Gene: Isl1
Antigen: Islet-1 homeobox
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528315

4D9 anti-engrailed/invected

Gene: en & in
Antigen: Engrailed/invected gene products
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528224


Gene: NCAM1
Antigen: NCAM (cytoplasmic domain), 180 kDa isoform
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528389

6F8 anti-grasshopper Sema I

Gene: N/A
Antigen: Sema I (grasshopper)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528461

8C6 anti-grasshopper Fas II

Gene: Fas2
Antigen: fasciclin II (grasshopper)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_532376


Gene: ATP1A1; ATPA2; ATP1A3; ATP1A4
Antigen: ATPase, (Na (+) K(+)) alpha subunit
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2166869

anti-Antp 4C3

Gene: Antp
Antigen: Antennapedia protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528082

anti-Antp 8C11

Gene: Antp
Antigen: Antennapedia protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528083


Gene: Cck
Antigen: Cholescystokinin C-terminal octapeptide CCK8
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2753319


Gene: myod1
Antigen: MyoD
Antibody Registry ID: AB_1157912

Ubx/ABD-A FP6.87

Gene: Ubx/abd-A
Antigen: Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A proteins (all isoforms)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_10660834

XAP-1 (Clone 3D2)

Gene: N/A
Antigen: photoreceptors (rods and cones)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_531883

Xen1 (3B1)

Gene: N/A
Antigen: neural specific
Antibody Registry ID: AB_531871

Xen2 (1F11)

Gene: N/A
Antigen: neural specific
Antibody Registry ID: AB_531872