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214 Products

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214 Products

Nullo 5C3-12

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: nullo
Antigen: Nullo protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_10573812

orb2 2D11

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: orb2
Antigen: orb2 protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2619565

orb2 4G8

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: orb2
Antigen: orb2 protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2619566

orb 4H8

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: orb
Antigen: orb protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528418

orb 6H4

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: orb
Antigen: orb protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528419

p1B2 (anti-p120 catenin)

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: p120ctn
Antigen: catenin, p120
Antibody Registry ID: AB_10660833

p1D9 (anti-rho1)

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Rho1
Antigen: rho1
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528263


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: wash
Antigen: Wash
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2618389

p4A10 (anti-dSir2)

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Sirt1
Antigen: Sir2 (Drosophila; Sirtuin 1)
Antibody Registry ID: AB_1553778


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Whamy
Antigen: Whamy/WHAMM and JMY related
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2618390

p4B2 (anti-p120 catenin)

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: p120ctn
Antigen: catenin, p120
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2088073


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Myc
Antigen: Myc protein/ Diminutive
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2753231

p53 25F4

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: p53
Antigen: p53
Antibody Registry ID: AB_579787

p53 7A4

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: p53
Antigen: p53
Antibody Registry ID: AB_579786


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: bt
Antigen: Projectin
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2722120

Pav L24

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: pav
Antigen: His-tagged Pavarotti
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2936339

Pav O8

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: pav
Antigen: His-tagged Pavarotti
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2936338


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Pdf
Antigen: Pigment-dispersing factor neuropeptide
Antibody Registry ID: AB_760350 AB_2315084

Prospero (MR1A)

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: pros
Antigen: Prospero protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528440


$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Rab7
Antigen: RAb7/CG5915 protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2722471

Rat-Elav-7E8A10 anti-elav

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: elav
Antigen: elav Drosophila protein; embryonic lethal abnormal vision
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528218

ro-62C2A8 anti-rough

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: ro
Antigen: rough Drosophila protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528456

Rop 4F8

$50.00 to $600.00
Gene: Rop
Antigen: Rop Protein/ Ras opposite protein
Antibody Registry ID: AB_1157869


Gene: Polr2C
Antigen: RNA polymerase II subunit C
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2938695