Initial Publication
IF References
WB References
IHC References
Differential response of skeletal muscles to mTORC1 signaling during atrophy and hypertrophy.
Rüegg MA
Skeletal muscle 3.1 (2013 Mar 6): 6.
A hypoplastic model of skeletal muscle development displaying reduced foetal myoblast cell numbers, increased oxidative myofibres and improved specific tension capacity.
Patel K
Developmental biology 343.1-2 (2010 Jul 1): 51-62.
Neuromuscular partitioning, architectural design, and myosin fiber types of the M. vastus lateralis of the llama (Lama glama).
Rivero JL
Journal of morphology 262.2 (2004 Nov): 667-81.
Human extraocular muscles: unique pattern of myosin heavy chain expression during myotube formation.
Thornell LE
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 41.7 (2000 Jun): 1608-16.
Human reserve pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells are present in the connective tissues of skeletal muscle and dermis derived from fetal, adult, and geriatric donors.
Black AC Jr
The Anatomical record 264.1 (2001 Sep 1): 51-62.
Changes in a rat facial muscle after facial nerve injury and repair.
Hildebrand C
Muscle & nerve 24.9 (2001 Sep): 1202-12.
Myosin heavy chain composition of muscle spindles in human biceps brachii.
Pedrosa-Domellöf F
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 50.2 (2002 Feb): 171-83.
Muscle spindles in the deep muscles of the human neck: a morphological and immunocytochemical study.
Pedrosa-Domellöf F
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 51.2 (2003 Feb): 175-86.
Existence of reserve quiescent stem cells in adults, from amphibians to humans.
Young HE
Current topics in microbiology and immunology 280. (2004): 71-109.
Adult stem cells.
Black AC Jr
The anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology 276.1 (2004 Jan): 75-102.
Adaptive functional specialisation of architectural design and fibre type characteristics in agonist shoulder flexor muscles of the llama, Lama glama.
Rivero JL
Journal of anatomy 221.2 (2012 Aug): 151-63.
Muscle fiber pattern is independent of cell lineage in postnatal rodent development.
Blau HM
Cell 68.4 (1992 Feb 21): 659-71.
Muscle spindles in the human bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.
May CA
Muscle & nerve 52.1 (2015 Jul): 55-62.
Evidence for differential post-translational modifications of slow myosin heavy chain during murine skeletal muscle development.
Hughes SM
Journal of muscle research and cell motility 21.2 (2000 Feb): 101-13.
Intrafusal myosin heavy chain expression of human masseter and biceps muscles at young age shows fundamental similarities but also marked differences.
Eriksson PO
Histochemistry and cell biology 139.6 (2013 Jun): 895-907.
Transitional Hybrid Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Rat Soleus Development.
Medler S
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 67.12 (2019 Dec): 891-900.
ELISA References
All References
Differential response of skeletal muscles to mTORC1 signaling during atrophy and hypertrophy.
Rüegg MA
Skeletal muscle 3.1 (2013 Mar 6): 6.
A hypoplastic model of skeletal muscle development displaying reduced foetal myoblast cell numbers, increased oxidative myofibres and improved specific tension capacity.
Patel K
Developmental biology 343.1-2 (2010 Jul 1): 51-62.
Neuromuscular partitioning, architectural design, and myosin fiber types of the M. vastus lateralis of the llama (Lama glama).
Rivero JL
Journal of morphology 262.2 (2004 Nov): 667-81.
Human extraocular muscles: unique pattern of myosin heavy chain expression during myotube formation.
Thornell LE
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 41.7 (2000 Jun): 1608-16.
Human reserve pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells are present in the connective tissues of skeletal muscle and dermis derived from fetal, adult, and geriatric donors.
Black AC Jr
The Anatomical record 264.1 (2001 Sep 1): 51-62.
Changes in a rat facial muscle after facial nerve injury and repair.
Hildebrand C
Muscle & nerve 24.9 (2001 Sep): 1202-12.
Myosin heavy chain composition of muscle spindles in human biceps brachii.
Pedrosa-Domellöf F
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 50.2 (2002 Feb): 171-83.
Muscle spindles in the deep muscles of the human neck: a morphological and immunocytochemical study.
Pedrosa-Domellöf F
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 51.2 (2003 Feb): 175-86.
Existence of reserve quiescent stem cells in adults, from amphibians to humans.
Young HE
Current topics in microbiology and immunology 280. (2004): 71-109.
Adult stem cells.
Black AC Jr
The anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology 276.1 (2004 Jan): 75-102.
Adaptive functional specialisation of architectural design and fibre type characteristics in agonist shoulder flexor muscles of the llama, Lama glama.
Rivero JL
Journal of anatomy 221.2 (2012 Aug): 151-63.
Muscle fiber pattern is independent of cell lineage in postnatal rodent development.
Blau HM
Cell 68.4 (1992 Feb 21): 659-71.
Muscle spindles in the human bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.
May CA
Muscle & nerve 52.1 (2015 Jul): 55-62.
Evidence for differential post-translational modifications of slow myosin heavy chain during murine skeletal muscle development.
Hughes SM
Journal of muscle research and cell motility 21.2 (2000 Feb): 101-13.
Intrafusal myosin heavy chain expression of human masseter and biceps muscles at young age shows fundamental similarities but also marked differences.
Eriksson PO
Histochemistry and cell biology 139.6 (2013 Jun): 895-907.
Transitional Hybrid Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Rat Soleus Development.
Medler S
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 67.12 (2019 Dec): 891-900.
Fast muscle fibers are preferentially affected in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Blau HM
Cell 52.4 (1988 Feb 26): 503-13.
Sympathetic innervation of human muscle spindles.
Domellöf FP
Journal of anatomy 226.6 (2015 Jun): 542-8.
Gene expression and fiber type variations in repeated vastus lateralis biopsies.
Svensson MB
Muscle & nerve 52.5 (2015 Nov): 812-7.
Muscular interleukin-6 differentially regulates skeletal muscle adaptation to high-fat diet in a sex-dependent manner.
Hidalgo J
Cytokine 74.1 (2015 Jul): 145-51.
Ultrasonography detects early laryngeal muscle atrophy in an equine neurectomy model.
Piercy RJ
Muscle & nerve 53.4 (2016 Apr): 583-92.
Structure-activity relationships in rodent diaphragm muscle fibers vs. neuromuscular junctions.
Mantilla CB
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 180.1 (2012 Jan 15): 88-96.
Specificity of different anti-myosin heavy chain antibodies in bovine muscle.
Geay Y
Meat science 55.1 (2000 May): 67-78.
Three slow myosin heavy chains sequentially expressed in developing mammalian skeletal muscle.
Blau HM
Developmental biology 158.1 (1993 Jul): 183-99.
Myosin heavy chain expression in mouse extraocular muscle: more complex than expected.
Kaminski HJ
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51.12 (2010 Dec): 6355-63.
Muscles in a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy show profound defects in neuromuscular development even in the absence of failure in neuromuscular transmission or loss of motor neurons.
Thompson W
Developmental biology 356.2 (2011 Aug 15): 432-44.
IGF-1R Reduction Triggers Neuroprotective Signaling Pathways in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Mice.
Charbonnier F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 35.34 (2015 Aug 26): 12063-79.
Significant differences among skeletal muscles in the incorporation of bone marrow-derived cells.
Blau HM
Developmental biology 262.1 (2003 Oct 1): 64-74.
Enhanced technique to measure proteins in single segments of human skeletal muscle fibers: fiber-type dependence of AMPK-alpha1 and -beta1.
Murphy RM
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 110.3 (2011 Mar): 820-5.
Mild heat stress enhances differentiation and proliferation of Japanese quail myoblasts and enhances slow muscle fiber characteristics.
Lee K
Poultry science 95.8 (2016 Aug 1): 1912-7.
Postnatal development of myosin heavy chain isoforms in rat laryngeal muscles.
Flint PW
The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology 108.5 (1999 May): 509-15.
Chronic congestive heart failure elicits adaptations of endurance exercise in diaphragmatic muscle.
Mancini D
Circulation 95.4 (1997 Feb 18): 910-6.
Myosin heavy chain composition in human laryngeal muscles.
Flint PW
The Laryngoscope 109.9 (1999 Sep): 1521-4.
Changes in myofibrillar protein composition of human diaphragm elicited by congestive heart failure.
Levine S
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 28.12 (1996 Dec): 2537-41.
Myosin heavy chain isoform and metabolic profile differ in beef steaks varying in tenderness.
Matarneh SK
Meat science 170. (2020 Dec): 108266.
The insulin-sensitizing effect of a single exercise bout is similar in type I and type II human muscle fibres.
Wojtaszewski JFP
The Journal of physiology 598.24 (2020 Dec): 5687-5699.
Human skeletal muscle fiber type-specific responses to sprint interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise: acute and training-induced changes.
Gibala MJ
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 130.4 (2021 Apr 1): 1001-1014.