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SKU: 4A1

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DSHB Data Sheet

Catalog Fields

Clone ID/Product Name: 4A1
Available to For-Profits: Yes
Alternate Antibody Name:
Gene Symbol:
Ab Isotype: MIgG1
Gene Name:
Antibody Registry ID: AB_2732839 
Uniprot ID: W4XBP7 
Entrez Gene ID:  
Clonality: Monoclonal
Immunogen: 15S complex dynein subunits from axonemes
Immunogen Sequence: Full length sequence
Myeloma Strain: P3UI
Epitope Mapped: No
Antigen Name: Tubulin, alpha
Epitope Location or Sequence:
Alternate Antigen Name:
Deposit Date: 8/7/2018
Antigen Molecular Weight: 51 kDa
Depositor: Fuller, M.T.
Antigen Sequence:
Depositor Institution: Stanford University
Antigen Species: Sea Urchin S. purpuratus
Depositor Notes:
Host Species: mouse
Hybridoma Cells Available (Non-Profit): Yes
Confirmed Species Reactivity: C. elegans, Drosophila, Mouse, S. pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trypanosomes
Additional Information: RRID:AB_2732839
Predicted Species Reactivity:  
Human Protein Atlas:  
Additional Characterization:  
Recommended Applications: Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot
All cell products contain the antimicrobial ProClin. Click here for additional information.
These hybridomas were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the hybridoma contributor and the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) in the Materials and Methods of your publications. Please email the citation to us.
For your Materials & Methods section:
4A1 was deposited to the DSHB by Fuller, M.T. (DSHB Hybridoma Product 4A1)
Storage and Handling Recommendations
Although many cell products are maintained at 4°C for years without loss of activity, shelf-life at 4°C is highly variable. For immediate use, short term storage at 4°C up to two weeks is recommended. For long term storage, divide the solution into volumes of no less than 20 ul for freezing at -20°C or -80°C. The small volume aliquot should provide sufficient reagent for short term use. Freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided. For concentrate or bioreactor products, an equal volume of glycerol, a cryoprotectant, may be added prior to freezing.
Usage Recommendations
The optimal Ig concentration for an application varies by species and antibody affinity. For each product, the antibody titer must be optimized for every application by the end user laboratory. A good starting concentration for immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF), and immunocytochemistry (ICC) when using mouse Ig is 2-5 ug/ml. For western blots, the recommended concentration range of mouse Ig 0.2-0.5 ug/ml. In general, rabbit antibodies demonstrate greater affinity and are used at a magnitude lower Ig concentration for initial testing. The recommended concentrations for rabbit Ig are 0.2-0.5 ug/ml (IF, IHC and ICC) and 20-50 ng/ml (WB).

18 References

  • Initial Publication
  • IF References
  • WB References
  • IHC References
  • All References
  • Initial Publication

    A cytoplasmic dynein motor in Drosophila: identification and localization during embryogenesis.
    McIntosh JR
    Journal of cell science 107 ( Pt 6). (1994 Jun): 1557-69.

    IF References

    Monastral bipolar spindles: implications for dynamic centrosome organization.
    Borisy GG
    Journal of cell science 110 ( Pt 4). (1997 Feb): 451-64.

    Spindle dynamics and the role of gamma-tubulin in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
    Saxton W
    Molecular biology of the cell 12.6 (2001 Jun): 1751-64.

    Spindle dynamics and the role of gamma-tubulin in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
    Saxton W
    Molecular biology of the cell 12.6 (2001 Jun): 1751-64.

    Assembly of ring canals in the male germ line from structural components of the contractile ring.
    Fuller MT
    Journal of cell science 109 ( Pt 12). (1996 Dec): 2779-88.

    A nematode kinesin required for cleavage furrow advancement.
    Saxton W
    Current biology : CB 8.20 (1998 Oct 8): 1133-6.

    Novel α-tubulin mutation disrupts neural development and tubulin proteostasis.
    Moore JK
    Developmental biology 409.2 (2016 Jan 15): 406-19.

    Depletion of a Cks homolog in C. elegans embryos uncovers a post-metaphase role in both meiosis and mitosis.
    Strome S
    Current biology : CB 10.22 (2000 Nov 16): 1471-4.

    Assembly of body wall muscle and muscle cell attachment structures in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Waterston RH
    The Journal of cell biology 124.4 (1994 Feb): 491-506.

    Loss of KLP-19 polar ejection force causes misorientation and missegregation of holocentric chromosomes.
    Saxton WM
    The Journal of cell biology 166.7 (2004 Sep 27): 991-1001.

    Purification, characterization, and immunofluorescence localization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae capping protein.
    Cooper JA
    The Journal of cell biology 117.5 (1992 Jun): 1067-76.

    KLP-18, a Klp2 kinesin, is required for assembly of acentrosomal meiotic spindles in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Bossinger O
    Molecular biology of the cell 14.11 (2003 Nov): 4458-69.

    Functional analysis of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain in Caenorhabditis elegans with fast-acting temperature-sensitive mutations.
    Strome S
    Molecular biology of the cell 16.3 (2005 Mar): 1200-12.

    mcl1+, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue of CTF4, is important for chromosome replication, cohesion, and segregation.
    McIntosh JR
    Eukaryotic cell 1.5 (2002 Oct): 758-73.

    WB References
    IHC References

    Ultrastructural investigation methods for Trypanosoma brucei.
    Gull K
    Methods in cell biology 96. (2010): 175-96.

    All References

    Ultrastructural investigation methods for Trypanosoma brucei.
    Gull K
    Methods in cell biology 96. (2010): 175-96.

    Monastral bipolar spindles: implications for dynamic centrosome organization.
    Borisy GG
    Journal of cell science 110 ( Pt 4). (1997 Feb): 451-64.

    Spindle dynamics and the role of gamma-tubulin in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
    Saxton W
    Molecular biology of the cell 12.6 (2001 Jun): 1751-64.

    Assembly of ring canals in the male germ line from structural components of the contractile ring.
    Fuller MT
    Journal of cell science 109 ( Pt 12). (1996 Dec): 2779-88.

    A nematode kinesin required for cleavage furrow advancement.
    Saxton W
    Current biology : CB 8.20 (1998 Oct 8): 1133-6.

    Novel α-tubulin mutation disrupts neural development and tubulin proteostasis.
    Moore JK
    Developmental biology 409.2 (2016 Jan 15): 406-19.

    Depletion of a Cks homolog in C. elegans embryos uncovers a post-metaphase role in both meiosis and mitosis.
    Strome S
    Current biology : CB 10.22 (2000 Nov 16): 1471-4.

    Assembly of body wall muscle and muscle cell attachment structures in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Waterston RH
    The Journal of cell biology 124.4 (1994 Feb): 491-506.

    Loss of KLP-19 polar ejection force causes misorientation and missegregation of holocentric chromosomes.
    Saxton WM
    The Journal of cell biology 166.7 (2004 Sep 27): 991-1001.

    Purification, characterization, and immunofluorescence localization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae capping protein.
    Cooper JA
    The Journal of cell biology 117.5 (1992 Jun): 1067-76.

    KLP-18, a Klp2 kinesin, is required for assembly of acentrosomal meiotic spindles in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Bossinger O
    Molecular biology of the cell 14.11 (2003 Nov): 4458-69.

    Functional analysis of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain in Caenorhabditis elegans with fast-acting temperature-sensitive mutations.
    Strome S
    Molecular biology of the cell 16.3 (2005 Mar): 1200-12.

    mcl1+, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue of CTF4, is important for chromosome replication, cohesion, and segregation.
    McIntosh JR
    Eukaryotic cell 1.5 (2002 Oct): 758-73.

    Tubulin heterodimers remain functional for one cell cycle after the inactivation of tubulin-folding cofactor D in fission yeast cells.
    Grishchuk EL
    Yeast (Chichester, England) 26.4 (2009 Apr): 235-47.

    Functions of the cytoplasmic domain of the beta PS integrin subunit during Drosophila development.
    Kafatos FC
    Development (Cambridge, England) 120.1 (1994 Jan): 91-102.

    Analyses of PS integrin functions during Drosophila development.
    Hynes RO
    Development (Cambridge, England) 118.3 (1993 Jul): 737-50.

    Characterization of Fus3 localization: active Fus3 localizes in complexes of varying size and specific activity.
    Elion EA
    Molecular biology of the cell 10.5 (1999 May): 1553-68.

    A cytoplasmic dynein motor in Drosophila: identification and localization during embryogenesis.
    McIntosh JR
    Journal of cell science 107 ( Pt 6). (1994 Jun): 1557-69.

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