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DSHB Data Sheet

Catalog Fields

Clone ID/Product Name: 1B1
Available to For-Profits: Yes
Alternate Antibody Name:
Gene Symbol: hts
Ab Isotype: MIgG1
Gene Name:
Antibody Registry ID: AB_528070 
Uniprot ID: Q02645 
Entrez Gene ID: 37230 
Clonality: Monoclonal
Immunogen: GST-adducin fusion protein expressed in E. coli
Immunogen Sequence: aa. 465-903 Of N4 isoform [Uniprot ID Q02645-1]
Myeloma Strain: HL-1
Epitope Mapped: Yes
Antigen Name: Hu-li tai shao, not hts-PC
Epitope Location or Sequence: aa 472-658 of isoform N4 (see additional information)
Alternate Antigen Name:
Deposit Date: 12/2/1997
Antigen Molecular Weight: Multiple molecular weights due to multiple isoforms: the drosophila Adducin-like protein was initially reported to be 87 kDa
Depositor: Lipshitz, H.D.
Antigen Sequence:
Depositor Institution: Hospital for Sick Children
Antigen Species: Drosophila
Depositor Notes: This antigen is also known as adducin-like protein.
Host Species: mouse
Hybridoma Cells Available (Non-Profit): No
Confirmed Species Reactivity: Drosophila
Additional Information: 1B1 recognizes all isoforms produced by alternative splicing except ShAdd (also known as hts-PC or N32/R2 [Uniprot ID Q02645-3]). By deduction, the 1B1 epitope is located in the region of N4 [Uniprot ID Q02645-1] common to all isoforms but absent in ShAdd, and corresponds to aa 472-658 of isoform N4. 1B1 recognizes only one fragment resulting from proteolysis of Ovhts (N4): Ovhts Fus is recognized but Ovhts-RC is not.
Predicted Species Reactivity:  
Human Protein Atlas:  
Additional Characterization:  
Recommended Applications: Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot
All cell products contain the antimicrobial ProClin. Click here for additional information.
These hybridomas were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the hybridoma contributor and the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) in the Materials and Methods of your publications. Please email the citation to us.
For your Materials & Methods section:
1B1 was deposited to the DSHB by Lipshitz, H.D. (DSHB Hybridoma Product 1B1)
Storage and Handling Recommendations
Although many cell products are maintained at 4°C for years without loss of activity, shelf-life at 4°C is highly variable. For immediate use, short term storage at 4°C up to two weeks is recommended. For long term storage, divide the solution into volumes of no less than 20 ul for freezing at -20°C or -80°C. The small volume aliquot should provide sufficient reagent for short term use. Freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided. For concentrate or bioreactor products, an equal volume of glycerol, a cryoprotectant, may be added prior to freezing.
Usage Recommendations
The optimal Ig concentration for an application varies by species and antibody affinity. For each product, the antibody titer must be optimized for every application by the end user laboratory. A good starting concentration for immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF), and immunocytochemistry (ICC) when using mouse Ig is 2-5 ug/ml. For western blots, the recommended concentration range of mouse Ig 0.2-0.5 ug/ml. In general, rabbit antibodies demonstrate greater affinity and are used at a magnitude lower Ig concentration for initial testing. The recommended concentrations for rabbit Ig are 0.2-0.5 ug/ml (IF, IHC and ICC) and 20-50 ng/ml (WB).

43 References

  • Initial Publication
  • IF References
  • WB References
  • IHC References
  • IP References
  • Epitope Map References
  • All References
  • Initial Publication
    IF References

    A Balbiani body and the fusome mediate mitochondrial inheritance during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Spradling AC
    Development (Cambridge, England) 130.8 (2003 Apr): 1579-90.

    Visualization of adult stem cells within their niches using the Drosophila germline as a model system.
    Shcherbata HR
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1035. (2013): 25-33.

    Coordinated regulation of niche and stem cell precursors by hormonal signaling.
    Gilboa L
    PLoS biology 9.11 (2011 Nov): e1001202.

    Steroid signaling within Drosophila ovarian epithelial cells sex-specifically modulates early germ cell development and meiotic entry.
    Spradling AC
    PloS one 7.10 (2012): e46109.

    Centrosome misorientation mediates slowing of the cell cycle under limited nutrient conditions in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    Molecular biology of the cell 23.8 (2012 Apr): 1524-32.

    Regulation of cyclin A localization downstream of Par-1 function is critical for the centrosome orientation checkpoint in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    Developmental biology 361.1 (2012 Jan 1): 57-67.

    E-cadherin is required for centrosome and spindle orientation in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    PloS one 5.8 (2010 Aug 31): e12473.

    The Drosophila RNA-binding protein Lark is required for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and Hu-li tai shao localization during oogenesis.
    Galioto R
    Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) 40.2 (2004 Oct): 90-100.

    Distinct roles for hu li tai shao and swallow in cytoskeletal organization during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Raley-Susman K
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 243.7 (2014 Jul): 906-16.

    The Par complex and integrins direct asymmetric cell division in adult intestinal stem cells.
    Knoblich JA
    Cell stem cell 11.4 (2012 Oct 5): 529-40.

    The Drosophila ovarian and testis stem cell niches: similar somatic stem cells and signals.
    Spradling AC
    Developmental cell 9.4 (2005 Oct): 501-10.

    Novel regulators revealed by profiling Drosophila testis stem cells within their niche.
    DiNardo S
    Developmental biology 294.1 (2006 Jun 1): 246-57.

    Mutations in Nop60B, the Drosophila homolog of human dyskeratosis congenita 1, affect the maintenance of the germ-line stem cell lineage during spermatogenesis.
    DiNardo S
    Developmental biology 253.2 (2003 Jan 15): 189-99.

    Dicer-1-dependent Dacapo suppression acts downstream of Insulin receptor in regulating cell division of Drosophila germline stem cells.
    Ruohola-Baker H
    Development (Cambridge, England) 136.9 (2009 May): 1497-507.

    Reduced cul-5 activity causes aberrant follicular morphogenesis and germ cell loss in Drosophila oogenesis.
    Lasko P
    PloS one 5.2 (2010 Feb 4): e9048.

    Hedgehog is required for CySC self-renewal but does not contribute to the GSC niche in the Drosophila testis.
    Bach EA
    Development (Cambridge, England) 140.1 (2013 Jan 1): 56-65.

    Hedgehog is required for CySC self-renewal but does not contribute to the GSC niche in the Drosophila testis.
    Bach EA
    Development (Cambridge, England) 140.1 (2013 Jan 1): 56-65.

    Drosophila Rbp6 is an orthologue of vertebrate Msi-1 and Msi-2, but does not function redundantly with dMsi to regulate germline stem cell behaviour.
    Hime GR
    PloS one 7.11 (2012): e49810.

    Mei-P26 regulates microRNAs and cell growth in the Drosophila ovarian stem cell lineage.
    Knoblich JA
    Nature 454.7201 (2008 Jul 10): 241-5.

    Drosophila variable nurse cells encodes arrest defective 1 (ARD1), the catalytic subunit of the major N-terminal acetyltransferase complex.
    Warrior R
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 239.11 (2010 Nov): 2813-27.

    Drosophila par-1 is required for oocyte differentiation and microtubule organization.
    Jan YN
    Current biology : CB 11.2 (2001 Jan 23): 75-87.

    fused regulates germline cyst mitosis and differentiation during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Pret AM
    Mechanisms of development 123.3 (2006 Mar): 197-209.

    Reduced fertility of Drosophila melanogaster hybrid male rescue (Hmr) mutant females is partially complemented by Hmr orthologs from sibling species.
    Barbash DA
    Genetics 181.4 (2009 Apr): 1437-50.

    Orbit/Mast, the CLASP orthologue of Drosophila, is required for asymmetric stem cell and cystocyte divisions and development of the polarised microtubule network that interconnects oocyte and nurse cells during oogenesis.
    Glover DM
    Development (Cambridge, England) 130.5 (2003 Mar): 901-15.

    Stonewalling Drosophila stem cell differentiation by epigenetic controls.
    McKearin DM
    Development (Cambridge, England) 134.8 (2007 Apr): 1471-9.

    New components of the Drosophila fusome suggest it plays novel roles in signaling and transport.
    Spradling AC
    Developmental biology 317.1 (2008 May 1): 59-71.

    Bällchen is required for self-renewal of germline stem cells in Drosophila melanogaster.
    Herzig A
    Biology open 3.6 (2014 May 29): 510-21.

    A Robust Transposon-Endogenizing Response from Germline Stem Cells.
    Zhang ZZ
    Developmental cell 47.5 (2018 Dec 3): 660-671.e3.

    Germ cell connectivity enhances cell death in response to DNA damage in the Drosophila testis.
    Yamashita YM
    eLife 6. (2017 Aug 15): .

    Community effects in regulation of translation.
    Kenny A
    eLife 5. (2016 Apr 22): e10965.

    Drosophila small ovary gene is required for transposon silencing and heterochromatin organization, and ensures germline stem cell maintenance and differentiation.
    Erdélyi M
    Development (Cambridge, England) 145.23 (2018 Dec 4): .

    Drosophila p53 isoforms have overlapping and distinct functions in germline genome integrity and oocyte quality control.
    Calvi BR
    eLife 11. (2022 Jan 13): .

    WB References

    Differential distributions of two adducin-like protein isoforms in the Drosophila ovary and early embryo.
    Lipshitz HD
    Zygote (Cambridge, England) 4.2 (1996 May): 159-66.

    Hts, the Drosophila homologue of Adducin, physically interacts with the transmembrane receptor Golden goal to guide photoreceptor axons.
    Suzuki T
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 240.1 (2011 Jan): 135-48.

    The Ovhts polyprotein is cleaved to produce fusome and ring canal proteins required for Drosophila oogenesis.
    Cooley L
    Development (Cambridge, England) 134.4 (2007 Feb): 703-12.

    Drosophila adducin regulates Dlg phosphorylation and targeting of Dlg to the synapse and epithelial membrane.
    Krieger C
    Developmental biology 357.2 (2011 Sep 15): 392-403.

    Hts/Adducin controls synaptic elaboration and elimination.
    Davis GW
    Neuron 69.6 (2011 Mar 24): 1114-31.

    Drosophila G9a is implicated in germ cell development.
    Kang YK
    Insect molecular biology 19.1 (2010 Feb): 131-9.

    IHC References
    IP References
    Epitope Map References
    All References

    Posterior midgut epithelial cells differ in their organization of the membrane skeleton from other drosophila epithelia.
    Baumann O
    Experimental cell research 270.2 (2001 Nov 1): 176-87.

    Regulation of cell growth by Notch signaling and its differential requirement in normal vs. tumor-forming stem cells in Drosophila.
    Lu B
    Genes & development 25.24 (2011 Dec 15): 2644-58.

    Spindle-E cycling between nuage and cytoplasm is controlled by Qin and PIWI proteins.
    Carthew RW
    The Journal of cell biology 213.2 (2016 Apr 25): 201-11.

    Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase (Hipk) plays roles in nervous system and muscle structure and function.
    Verheyen EM
    PloS one 15.3 (2020): e0221006.

    Polyploid mitosis and depolyploidization promote chromosomal instability and tumor progression in a Notch-induced tumor model.
    Deng WM
    Developmental cell 56.13 (2021 Jul 12): 1976-1988.e4.

    A Balbiani body and the fusome mediate mitochondrial inheritance during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Spradling AC
    Development (Cambridge, England) 130.8 (2003 Apr): 1579-90.

    Visualization of adult stem cells within their niches using the Drosophila germline as a model system.
    Shcherbata HR
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1035. (2013): 25-33.

    Coordinated regulation of niche and stem cell precursors by hormonal signaling.
    Gilboa L
    PLoS biology 9.11 (2011 Nov): e1001202.

    Steroid signaling within Drosophila ovarian epithelial cells sex-specifically modulates early germ cell development and meiotic entry.
    Spradling AC
    PloS one 7.10 (2012): e46109.

    Centrosome misorientation mediates slowing of the cell cycle under limited nutrient conditions in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    Molecular biology of the cell 23.8 (2012 Apr): 1524-32.

    Regulation of cyclin A localization downstream of Par-1 function is critical for the centrosome orientation checkpoint in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    Developmental biology 361.1 (2012 Jan 1): 57-67.

    E-cadherin is required for centrosome and spindle orientation in Drosophila male germline stem cells.
    Yamashita YM
    PloS one 5.8 (2010 Aug 31): e12473.

    The Drosophila RNA-binding protein Lark is required for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and Hu-li tai shao localization during oogenesis.
    Galioto R
    Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) 40.2 (2004 Oct): 90-100.

    Distinct roles for hu li tai shao and swallow in cytoskeletal organization during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Raley-Susman K
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 243.7 (2014 Jul): 906-16.

    The Par complex and integrins direct asymmetric cell division in adult intestinal stem cells.
    Knoblich JA
    Cell stem cell 11.4 (2012 Oct 5): 529-40.

    The Drosophila ovarian and testis stem cell niches: similar somatic stem cells and signals.
    Spradling AC
    Developmental cell 9.4 (2005 Oct): 501-10.

    Novel regulators revealed by profiling Drosophila testis stem cells within their niche.
    DiNardo S
    Developmental biology 294.1 (2006 Jun 1): 246-57.

    Mutations in Nop60B, the Drosophila homolog of human dyskeratosis congenita 1, affect the maintenance of the germ-line stem cell lineage during spermatogenesis.
    DiNardo S
    Developmental biology 253.2 (2003 Jan 15): 189-99.

    Dicer-1-dependent Dacapo suppression acts downstream of Insulin receptor in regulating cell division of Drosophila germline stem cells.
    Ruohola-Baker H
    Development (Cambridge, England) 136.9 (2009 May): 1497-507.

    Reduced cul-5 activity causes aberrant follicular morphogenesis and germ cell loss in Drosophila oogenesis.
    Lasko P
    PloS one 5.2 (2010 Feb 4): e9048.

    Hedgehog is required for CySC self-renewal but does not contribute to the GSC niche in the Drosophila testis.
    Bach EA
    Development (Cambridge, England) 140.1 (2013 Jan 1): 56-65.

    Drosophila Rbp6 is an orthologue of vertebrate Msi-1 and Msi-2, but does not function redundantly with dMsi to regulate germline stem cell behaviour.
    Hime GR
    PloS one 7.11 (2012): e49810.

    Mei-P26 regulates microRNAs and cell growth in the Drosophila ovarian stem cell lineage.
    Knoblich JA
    Nature 454.7201 (2008 Jul 10): 241-5.

    Drosophila variable nurse cells encodes arrest defective 1 (ARD1), the catalytic subunit of the major N-terminal acetyltransferase complex.
    Warrior R
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 239.11 (2010 Nov): 2813-27.

    Drosophila par-1 is required for oocyte differentiation and microtubule organization.
    Jan YN
    Current biology : CB 11.2 (2001 Jan 23): 75-87.

    fused regulates germline cyst mitosis and differentiation during Drosophila oogenesis.
    Pret AM
    Mechanisms of development 123.3 (2006 Mar): 197-209.

    Reduced fertility of Drosophila melanogaster hybrid male rescue (Hmr) mutant females is partially complemented by Hmr orthologs from sibling species.
    Barbash DA
    Genetics 181.4 (2009 Apr): 1437-50.

    Orbit/Mast, the CLASP orthologue of Drosophila, is required for asymmetric stem cell and cystocyte divisions and development of the polarised microtubule network that interconnects oocyte and nurse cells during oogenesis.
    Glover DM
    Development (Cambridge, England) 130.5 (2003 Mar): 901-15.

    Stonewalling Drosophila stem cell differentiation by epigenetic controls.
    McKearin DM
    Development (Cambridge, England) 134.8 (2007 Apr): 1471-9.

    New components of the Drosophila fusome suggest it plays novel roles in signaling and transport.
    Spradling AC
    Developmental biology 317.1 (2008 May 1): 59-71.

    Bällchen is required for self-renewal of germline stem cells in Drosophila melanogaster.
    Herzig A
    Biology open 3.6 (2014 May 29): 510-21.

    A Robust Transposon-Endogenizing Response from Germline Stem Cells.
    Zhang ZZ
    Developmental cell 47.5 (2018 Dec 3): 660-671.e3.

    Germ cell connectivity enhances cell death in response to DNA damage in the Drosophila testis.
    Yamashita YM
    eLife 6. (2017 Aug 15): .

    Community effects in regulation of translation.
    Kenny A
    eLife 5. (2016 Apr 22): e10965.

    Drosophila small ovary gene is required for transposon silencing and heterochromatin organization, and ensures germline stem cell maintenance and differentiation.
    Erdélyi M
    Development (Cambridge, England) 145.23 (2018 Dec 4): .

    Drosophila p53 isoforms have overlapping and distinct functions in germline genome integrity and oocyte quality control.
    Calvi BR
    eLife 11. (2022 Jan 13): .

    Differential distributions of two adducin-like protein isoforms in the Drosophila ovary and early embryo.
    Lipshitz HD
    Zygote (Cambridge, England) 4.2 (1996 May): 159-66.

    Hts, the Drosophila homologue of Adducin, physically interacts with the transmembrane receptor Golden goal to guide photoreceptor axons.
    Suzuki T
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 240.1 (2011 Jan): 135-48.

    The Ovhts polyprotein is cleaved to produce fusome and ring canal proteins required for Drosophila oogenesis.
    Cooley L
    Development (Cambridge, England) 134.4 (2007 Feb): 703-12.

    Drosophila adducin regulates Dlg phosphorylation and targeting of Dlg to the synapse and epithelial membrane.
    Krieger C
    Developmental biology 357.2 (2011 Sep 15): 392-403.

    Hts/Adducin controls synaptic elaboration and elimination.
    Davis GW
    Neuron 69.6 (2011 Mar 24): 1114-31.

    Drosophila G9a is implicated in germ cell development.
    Kang YK
    Insect molecular biology 19.1 (2010 Feb): 131-9.

    Role of Adducin-like (hu-li tai shao) mRNA and protein localization in regulating cytoskeletal structure and function during Drosophila Oogenesis and early embryogenesis.
    Lipshitz HD
    Developmental genetics 19.3 (1996): 249-57.

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